She was going to have a birthday party, but decided instead she wanted to go to Stone Mountain for the weekend, so go we will. We will be staying at the Evergreen Marriott Conference Resort located inside Stone Mountain Park, so I'm sure we will have a great time this weekend doing that and doing all of the activities there are these days at the Park. Luckily she also wanted a new digital camera, so I might actually have a few decent pics to post next week... :)
Chance and Tanner are still at Tybee Island and return tomorrow, so today we took Taylor out to Longhorn for dinner...

Taylor and Carolyn

No, my kids no longer order off of the kids menu, and I usually have to tell the host or hostess that we all need adult menus, or just grab them for the kids myself... :)

Me and my Princess!

The Grand Finale, for today anyway...
Carolyn and Taylor are watching the Justin Beiber movie right now, yeah, I had to pass on that activity... I don't think I have ever watched a kid movie with my children and I don't understand people who do. But that is just me... :)
Happy Birthday Sweetheart!
I love you!
So fun!!!!
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