So yeah, that's what we have been doing all day. We are going to have a garden next year, a BIG one! Carolyn will can some green beans, and whatever else we grow, so hopefully we will be eating like kings next year! I'll have to build a fence around the area, but we are excited about it! I've already ordered the seed catalogs, the soil is rich, so here's to a good harvest next year after our work... :) Now it's time for bed!!!
I think Chance won on the biggest fire btw... :)
I'm sure my kids would love to have a contest like that! :)
Having a garden sounds great!! I recommend getting organic heritage seeds (as opposed to genetically modified ones by the evil company Monsanto - lol). I can't wait to get a garden going myself!! I have done research, but no actual work. One day. :)
(not that you asked me for a recommendation - lol - but I gave one anyway. It's how I roll. :))
lol! I haven't really thought about the seeds yet, I did order a bunch of seed catalogs, but don't recall from where... :)
Awesome! Love the garden!!
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