The "loot" waiting to be hidden, or rather strewn around the lawn, we didn't really hide all that many of them... :)

Getting ready to find the eggs...


Chance and Tanner in front, and yeah, I haven't cut my lawn yet this year, or rather, Cory hasn't cut it yet... He will next week. I need to put down some weed killer, it was too windy today though.

Taylor seeing how many "money" eggs she has... I think Chance got the most, even with a sprained foot/ankle...
Carolyn and I hid the eggs after 'Easter dinner', which was GREAT I might add... Some toyed with the idea of swimming but the water is still WAY too cold, I suppose I'll turn the heater on, I hate to see my gas bill next month though... We then went to the park and played for a bit, then the kids all had to go to both of the pet stores so they could spend their "Easter loot"... Yes, Chance bought ANOTHER hamster, I was thinking 16 or 17 was already enough, whatever though, as long as they take care of them, I really don't care what or how many pets they get... If I ever have to start taking care of them though, that will change REAL quick... :)
Hope everyone had a Happy Easter!
and yeah, we did go to church this AM and my kids are aware that Easter is not really about bunnies and eggs... :)
Looks like a great time!
We had our our little Easter Egg hunt here as well. LOL!! We hid treats in some eggs and watched the dogs have a good time! :D LOL!! Yeah... I know... it's not the same, but we laughed the whole time! :D Sophie won, by the way. She learned real quick how to open the eggs and get what she wanted and move on! :D We're planning an egg toss and BBQ for later! :D Ahhh how we entertain ourselves! :D
Happy Easter!!!
Hope you had a happy easter too :). Too cute about the dogs, Jackie!
We actually didn't go to church this Easter - I think for the first time ever. But ya know - newborn baby and all. :) (we did talk to the kids about what Easter is really about before we hunted for eggs) :)
Not sure why I bother to take the kids to church really, I can't stand churches these days... Probably better off not going.
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