Yeah, I haven't posted in a while, but whatever, no one else seems to much either... :) I AM off the couch though, for the most part, because that's about all I did all winter was watch movies and do the daily life thing... We've amassed quite the DVD collection though... :)

The pool is OPEN! Got the heater fired up, and it is the first time since we got the thing that it has worked. Had problems with it forever, the installers were out several times, finally got it though! Nice! I haven't actually been in the pool yet, but I have been in the hot tub a few times. Carolyn and the kids though have been in it everyday though since I turned the heater on...

Spring! I LOVE it!! Flowers everywhere, leaves back on the trees, but a LOT of work yet to do. I don't mind work though, as long as it's warm! If it's cold out, I just can't do it.

That's what is left of the tree that fell down, I needed the firewood though, so I guess it was a good thing. I burned half of the firewood I had stacked up during the winter, just fires and movies is about how it went... It was a good, relaxing winter... :)

Got this piece of shit in the garage finally! This thing has been inactive for about a year now, seals were leaking, had to have them all replaced, etc. I tried to do it myself, gave up when winter hit, then when spring came around, took the arms down to the hydraulic shop and had them replace everything. Got it fired up and drove it down to the garage about an hour ago. Now I will just replace all the fluids and it's ready for a good workout! Yay!
That's about it. Got a lot of work to do around here, got a few side things going on, then there is life in general, like work, kids, school, etc... :) The circus is coming to town in a week or so, so there is that as well, the kids are excited about that. So yeah, see ya next week... :)