Saturday, July 30, 2011
Update, huh?
We are still trying to find the right home/area to move to down in Jacksonville, but making progress... I suppose we will be down there in the next month or so, and I cannot wait!
I will be glad when this is all over though so I can just concentrate on my career and other things, I'm tired of moving, but I am SO glad we decided to move out of that other house, that house drained me for ten years, time to start doing something other than building and remodeling. Whew!
So yeah, not much of an update, but I'll have one soon... ;)
Saturday, July 23, 2011
Jacksonville Bound...
Now we just have to move basically, after we find the house we want, so I'm sure I'll be busy over the next few months. We plan to be down there in the next few months, hopefully the sooner the better... :)
A few more pics from our trip...
Taylor and I on the beach this AM, we left the hotel at about 6:30AM to get out early, spent about two hours out there looking for shells and riding the boogie boards... Taylor loves it down there, the boys? Yeah, they wanted to sleep, so we left them at the hotel, they were still sleeping when we got back... :)
Carolyn and I this AM, there is nothing better than strolling on the beach in the AM, we LOVE it!!!
Sunrise on the beach the other day, it is so beautiful!
We were out yesterday, and this guy was trying to get that contraption going, it is a kite basically that hooks to a ski of sorts, and you skim across the water with it, he had brought the wrong pieces, I tried to help him get it launched, but it wouldn't work. I'm getting one if we move down there... :)
This was me for two whole days out there, I mistakenly started a Sidney Sheldon novel, and I cannot put his books down, so I read it in two days, and of course, the next day, I started a Jack Higgins novel, and could NOT put it down and finished it in one day! I think that is the first time I have ever started and finished a novel on the same day, ah, the beach... :)
So yeah, we are moving again, but we all are looking forward to it, we are tired of the area we currently live, time to move on. I'm amazed I have lived here as long as I have, I have the "rambling fever"... :) Yeah, time to move on... Keep reading, I'll keep posting details... ;)
Monday, July 18, 2011
Taylor and I on the beach yesterday...
Chance and Taylor on the dunes...
Tanner at the end of the pier...
Carolyn and I this AM out for a stroll in the surf, which is quite nice I might add...
Me, after a swim in the ocean...
So now, off to do more exploring and bask in the sun on the beach...
Monday, July 11, 2011
415 Grist Mill Drive...

Yeah, pretty much obliterated...

I'm surprised that was still intact, the one on the other side, the 4, 1 and 5 were halfway down the street...

They must have been going pretty fast, notice how far down the street on the other side of the driveway the bricks are...
So anyway, we called the police, while waiting on them, we found several car pieces that identified the vehicle as a Volvo, one of our neighbors stopped by and said he saw a white volvo going back in the opposite direct with extensive front end damage... They could have left a note! Oh well, we have half of the neighborhood on the lookout for a white volvo, as well as the Paulding County Sheriff's office...
Sunday, July 10, 2011

Taylor at the wheel of the pontoon boat...

Relaxing on the boat...

Chance, Tanner and TJ, buds hanging out at the lake...

Monday, July 04, 2011
Sunday, July 03, 2011
Six Flags...

The guys all ran off when we got there, so it was Taylor and I together...

Taylor LOVED it, the last time she went was for my company outing in 2003, so she does not remember it, but of course now she wants to go back every day... :)

We did occassionally run into the guys during the day, ran into Chance and two of his friends at the Scream Machine... I remember riding that thing when I was a teenager, I think it was built in the 70's though, so it has been around a while.

And of course we ran into Tanner and Nate twice during the day, this time at Goliath, which was Taylor's favorite ride, she dragged me onto that thing at least 5 or 6 times... :)
We had a good time though, now off to help a friend of mine cut up a tree and install a sink. Fireworks tonight and a picnic and swimming at the lake tomorrow, I love long weekends!