Going on that is, well actually, there is a LOT going on, but I don't have any pictures or anything of it... ;)

Carolyn and I did go garage saling (is that even a word??) and got all of those pots for $10, love garage sales!! They really look great there by the pool, it was missing something, that was it!!

Our neighbor's son is getting married tomorrow, so we downloaded a bunch of pictures of him and his girlfriend from FB and uploaded them to Walgreen's to print, then stuck them all in frames. The idea is to put them all over the place where the reception is at... Now I think I want to do this anytime anyone gets married that we know...

We also made them this candle, someone made us one for our wedding and we loved it, so we figured they might as well... :)
Now I've got to go reclaim my garage... Hope everyone is having a good day (no matter what day you may read this... ;)
The wedding was nice, the reception was great! I also sang karoake for the first time, although I may have sang it when I lived in Japan, that whole part of my life was a blur though, so not sure... :)
lol on the karaoke! I've sang karaoke probably more times than I should have... it's fun though. :)
The pool looks great! I love finding deals at garage sales; I rarely go to them though.
Great idea with the photos - I'm sure they loved it! :)
They did love it! :)
Yeah, I love karoake myself, now anyway... :)
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