Wow, has it been that long?? Yeah, well, I have a LOT going on... :) Still continuing with the one on one outings, that is fun. Packing, which I hate, but I probably should not complain about that as Carolyn has done most, okay, all of it thus far... The thought of living anywhere else but in this house makes me nearly giddy.

So yeah, work, packing, etc... That is the life right now. The funny thing is, I'm not even sure we will get the house we want as of right now, but we do not care, we ARE moving, anywhere BUT here!! :)
So....have you put an offer on a house or anything?
We are working on one now, we'll see how that works out. :)
I'm tired of looking to be honest...
How did Chance break his hand? When are you putting your house up for sale?
p.s. I hate packing and moving too, but I like it when it's all done! :)
Well, sorry for answering your questions so late Petra... :)
Chance broke his hand playing a game with some other guys seeing who could hit the concrete the hardest... Sigh.
House for sale? Yeah, we are still working through all that, BIG sigh! The house we thought we loved, we now hate. So yeah, we are moving cautiously... :) We'll never make another mistake like we did by buying this house... I hope anyway... ;)
lol. My boys play games like that too - crazy kids!! :)
Haha! Yeah, kids will be kids though, and yeah, what can you do?? :)
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