My neighbor took Taylor horse back riding for her birthday, she LOVED it!!

Taylor and Mae. Of course now Taylor wants a horse... I wouldn't mind having one myself if I had room for one, but boarding is too expensive... Who knows... :)

A frequent activity for the kids, although I've never been out on it, I have been invited, but it seems like I'm always to busy with chores... :( Taylor driving the pontoon boat...

Tanner, obviously. Chance doesn't go out on it as much as Tanner and Taylor, Chance is like me, prefers to just stay home... :)

Swimming in the lake.
So everyone is enjoying the summer thus far, when not at the lake or White Water, there is our own pool to enjoy. Today though, we are going over to Cory's new house to finish up some work Carolyn and I are doing for him on it. I'll try to actually take a picture of it today... :)
I was just thinking how fun it would be to go play in a lake!!
Looks like all is well. So when are you getting that horse for Taylor??? (And I do mean "when" because we all know...!!)hahahaha
Haha! Yeah, who knows... ;)
It is nice living so close to the lake, although we don't go as much as we used to, the kids go all the time with my neighbor... They love it! :)
haha! Yeah, is "build a stable" on your to-do list yet, Matt? ;)
Haha! I would if I could, can't have livestock here though... ;)
The lake looks nice! Horse boarding is expensive but you can get a deal if she goes and mucks out, etc. If they only have to board the horse, it's cheaper :). Also she could just take lessons in exchange for helping at the stables. Andrea did a little and I did some when she was 6/7 so she could have riding lessons :). Until I got too allergic and sick :(!
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