Sunday, November 01, 2009

I'm Actually Busy For A Change...

Yeah, I have a lot going on, but I really should blog more, I'll try to start doing it again... :)

In the meantime however, I really have nothing for you... :) Here is Chance with his two bearded dragons, the ones that just had babies, or rather laid eggs and maybe will have babies, we are down to 16 eggs I think...


Petra said...

How are you down to 16 eggs? Did they crack? I know nothing of these things. lol

Matthew said...

lol! They turn brown and you have to discard them... :)

Andrea said...

So I guess you're hoping that most of the eggs "turn brown" before little bugs hatch out of them?

Tim said...

He could make some good money off them... I think they are about $70 each in our pet store :). Fully grown ones anyway...

Matthew said...

lol Andrea, we are down to 10... :)

They may not have any that make it at this rate, I swear I built the incubator per the specs at

The baby ones here sell for 59.99 at the pet store, I've seen people selling them on Craigslist for 40, but at the rate the eggs are going, there may not be any to sell... :)

Tim said...

True... eggs are fickle as are lizards...

Matthew said...

Yeah, we are now down to 8 eggs... :)

He keeps asking me what is wrong, I of course tell him I'm no lizard breeding expert... He does a good job of researching it on the Internet though, so perhaps the next batch will make it... He is going to scrap my homemade incubator though and get a real one... :)

Andrea said...

I can't wait for the day when your kids decide they don't want the all the pets anymore!

Matthew said...

lol. Yeah, I doubt that will happen anytime soon as some of Chance's pets can live for 30 - 50 years... :(

Titus said...

ok... what happened to my comment... fell out from the sky apparently?? :)

WOW!! 10 is still a lot of lizards. What does he plan to do with them? Can they play or are they just the kind you watch? Curious!


Matthew said...

He does play with them actually, he wanted to sell them and was going to give a few away, we'll have to wait and see if any of them actually make it... :)

Petra said...

Do you still have 8?? Or has the number dwindled even further down? We have two cats now and I'm pretty sure that's enough pets for us!! lol

Matthew said...

haha. They are actually down to 6... :)