Monday, May 25, 2009
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
These are some amazing photos if you haven't already seen them...
And for anyone who works for a large company, or ever has, this is actually quite accurate:

Sunday, May 10, 2009
Wednesday, May 06, 2009
Taylor, the guys were NOT interested in riding rides like this... Taylor enjoyed it though.

At first, Chance would not ride this, but once he did he must have ridden it 15 times...

This is the MESS out back I have to clean up. My neighbor was having some trees cut down, so we decided to have them cut some of ours down as well.
Of course my neighbors had them cut up, hauled off, etc... Me? Yeah, I'd rather save the extra $750 and just do that part myself... I'd be working on it too if it would EVER stop raining! It has been raining here forever! I just want a few sunny days! Is that too much to ask? It might be nice tomorrow, but it is supposed to rain off and on for like the next 10 days... I suppose I COULD do some things inside the house, but the VAST majority of the things I really need to be doing are outside! Nature though, what can you do... :)